Be ‘In the Know’

Follow us on social media for information on events we hold! Instagram and our website have the most up to date information on everything we do! We also post fliers around MEB and WEB whenever we have an event that is coming soon, so look out for those too! COVID19 NOTE: We have moved our community and activities to our WiC Discord server. If you’d like to join our community and participate in our events, the invite to our server is down below!

If you’d like to contact our club, just shoot us an email at!

Insta: @uofuwic

Facebook: UofUWiC

Discord: Fill out this form to receive an email with the discord link!

If you are interested in receiving our newsletters, click here to sign up!

We Want To Hear From You!

Is there an event you want us to hold? Have some feedback on how we are doing? We’d love to hear your ideas!

Fill out this survey or simply email us at!